Questions to ponder
My time here in Berkeley is quickly coming to a close. I leave this 4th floor guest room tomorrow at 7:45 a.m. to make my way to the San Francisco airport. The plane will leave at 11:15 a.m. and I will be home around 11:00 p.m.; a mere 12 hour travel across the country, minus the three-hour time difference.
My trip has been all that I could have wished for, prayed for, and much more than I possibly could have imagined. I have felt deeply connected to people, and cognizant of the immediacy that we lend to one another in relationship.
My women’s spiritual circle, which met almost weekly last year, gathered spontaneously this evening. Within that circle of trust, the conversation is deep and rich. Because of our intention to share our spiritual journey, and to hold each other accountable somehow, we immediately connect in a heart space of joy and meaning.
I ponder whether this heart space is dependent on a search for an ultimate meaning and the sharing of intimate stories. Might a simple truth be that we achieve a level of relationship with people that mirrors what we are willing to give?
And if that is so, is there unshakeable value in the adage that we make our own reality? And is that, quite simply, the quality of our love?