This too shall pass
My time here in Berkeley is quickly coming a close. Most decisions that I make are predicated in one form or another on locking my dormitory door for the last time next Thursday morning. These include getting enough quarters for one more load of laundry and purchasing a pint of half-n-half for my morning coffee, instead of my usual quart.
All decisions should be so easy.
There is one more end-of-semester project to finish and I have all day tomorrow to do it. I have been working steadily for the last two weeks and am pleased with the work that I have produced. My centering book is beautiful and the felt pieces, pictured below, work well with my journal text and quotes from my reading.
The projects give me a great opportunity to review my semester and to experience and actualize all that I have learned. While I feel more centered in the validity of my experience in the world, I have a much better appreciation for the other.
I think I have become a better listener and I understand the amazing privilege it is to simply live my life.

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