Come what may
Many students, from a variety of denominations apart from Unitarian Universalism, have spiritual directors. It’s part of their schooling. So when I announced that I would begin a Centering Prayer practice, dorm mate Elizabeth suggested that I consider that practice in conjunction with spiritual direction. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but spiritual direction had been recommended to me before, and the mention again seemed synchronistic. She suggested a particular PhD student that we both knew.
So every other Friday, I go to Beth’s apartment across the street and we talk about what it is that I believe in. It’s kind of like a counseling session, but not exactly, as we talk mostly about my relationship with spirit.
Interestingly enough, at least to me, while I know that I believe, I’m not exactly sure what I believe. And as this connection is growing through Centering Prayer, is seems apropos to explore and to figure out what I do believe the earthly manifestation of the divine is for me.
So it was with a sense of curiosity that Beth showed me a picture that had come into her mind while I was relating my experience with Centering Prayer and the feeling of being “buoyed” by the shedding of past pain and a newfound sense of trust for the unknowing. It was a painting of a young Mary and the angel Gabriel. I thought it amazing because the particular Biblical passage that inspired this painting, carried great meaning for me last semester.
I have made it my screen saver and enjoy the sense of wonder whenever I close down my computer.
Our life journeys are one step at a time, and it is comforting for me to know that I do not have to know what tomorrow brings; I just need to be open to whatever comes my way.

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