Finding energy in stillness
I ponder the notion of surrender and the creation of the vacuum that is created when we relinquish our thoughts. What is negative space in one realm becomes positive in the other. I understand fully the idea that nature abhors a vacuum and comprehend the universal law that we must be in harmony with the energy that we desire. Is this what is happening as I attempt to empty to the flow of spirit.
Is that why Centering Prayer deepens the connection to spirit?
In this physical meditation, I take what I have removed to create negative space and place it on a different field. What is negative becomes positive. In Centering Prayer, I empty my mind of my worldly thoughts and I make room for thoughts or energy that flows beyond our earthly borders.
Through the physical process, I moisten the two layers and carefully roll it to consummate the newly formed unit. As I sit in meditation each day, I reinforce my desire to detach from earthly concerns and apply myself with loving attention to the experiences in my day.
To be fully present is indeed the outcome of letting go. It is deliciously ironic, the humor of divine intention on earth.
Centering Prayer is not Christian Prayer. It is not true meditation or contemplation. Centering "prayer" uses pagan and Hindu elements. It is seriously flawed, and I am encouraging all people to stop using it.
Here's a link for more information with a lot of sources listed:
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