Finding our fit
Elana asks me about my plans for the ministry as we sit waiting for dinner. We have named each other “kindred spirits of an older generation” and "kindred spirits of the younger generation.” In case you are wondering, I am the older.
The title comes from Elana who tells a story of walking her young golden retriever every day and meeting an older woman, in her ‘50s or '60s with an older golden retriever. The woman always says they are “kindred spirits of a younger generation” and Elena is unsure whether the woman means herself or the dog.
I received this title when I told her how throughout my life I had desired to find someone who was my size and shape in the world. Somehow it was very important to me, especially in my late teens and early twenties that I know how I “fit” in the world. Quite literally.
I have vivid memories of being an art student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and trying to catch a glimpse of myself in store windows. It wasn’t enough to just see a reflection, I needed to see my reflection as I appeared in the world.
I have been searching since then.
And when I saw Elana, I remembered that younger version of myself and felt a certain satisfaction that the question of physical fit had been answered. Beneath the high domed ceilings of Aya Sofia, I told her of my quest and its conclusion with her. She said that she had often wondered about her strength in the world.
Later, when we were asked to line up according to size for a group shot in front of the Cathedral at St. Gregory’s, she stepped up next to me and squared her shoulders with mine.
Funny, we should find this physical similarity in Sufi world of the dervish where "fit" is measured by the love that you find in your heart.
By that standard, there have been many kindred spirits in every generation.

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