Thursday, February 01, 2007

Is it really winter?

The sound of a lawn mower has slowly made its way into my consciousness. I look out and see a maintenance worker mowing the green roof across the courtyard. Lawn mowing in January is a novelty for this northeasterner and I realize that I did not recognize the noise for some time. The winter weather here, mild with spring flowers and trees blooming, has been a treat.

My aunt told me last Sunday that she had to water her garden plants, a phenomenon not usual for northern California winters. I understand that it “should” be raining and people are concerned about drought.

Awareness seeps through even the densest web of innocence and self-absorption. Thankfully, personal preference -- sun over rain, no snow over snow, cheap goods over expensive ones -- often gives way to recognition of the greater reality and sensitivity when we open ourselves up to listen.


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